Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland which results in impaired bladder emptying. There are many management options for this including lifestyle changes, medications and surgical intervention (TURP, Greenlight laser TURP, Rezum and robotic simple prostatectomy)

VOiding dysfunction

Men and women who experience trouble with urination such as frequency, urgency that affects their quality of living. A comprehensive assessment including lifestyle factors, medications, past history and others are considered. Further investigation such as urodynamics; a study of the bladder function, in certain situations can be undertaken to provide further information of the voiding dysfunction.

Elevated PSA

There are multiple reasons why prostatic specific antigen (PSA) can be elevated. Careful discussion about the risks and benefits of PSA screening and the implications of an elevated PSA are needed upon embarking on test. Dr Niero will guide you through the meaning of this and whether further investigation is warranted.


Urological malignancies affecting the prostate, bladder, kidney, testes and adrenal gland. Thorough evaluation and counselling is needed to determine the options available prior to formulating a treatment plan. Dr Niero works closely with a multidisciplinary team including oncologists and radiation-oncologist to offer all avenues so that an informed decision is made to direct care.


Blood that is seen on urination or detected on a urine test. There are many causes for blood in the urine and depending on risk factors, further investigations are undertaken.


Once one has completed their family, undergoing a vasectomy is a common form of permanent contraception.