Here are some useful sites that answer questions that are commonly asked. If you have further queries please contact us to make an appointment to discuss them with Dr Niero, who would be happy to assist you so that you can make a well informed decision.
Cancer Council Victoria
A site providing general overview of all cancers, including urological cancers. It has information on preventing cancer, living with cancer, support groups and many more useful information.
Prostate cancer foundation of australia
Provides information to men as well as their families about prostate cancer and at all stages of the disease. It has useful information on not only about prostate cancer but also on facets of life that it may impact.
Baus patient information forms
This is an excellent site by the British Urological society explaining many urological procedures. Despite being an British website, the fundamental practice principles are similar.
Continence Foundation of AUstralia
The Australian Continence foundation provides information for women and men explaining the different types of incontinence and measures available to assist and improve control.